What does our life really cost us?
Today I drove my fiancé to the airport to see him off to work. I have done this before, quite often actually, but today was definitely harder than normal. We have been trying to get our lives in order, and for the first time in my life, that meant getting on the same page financially. My fiancé and I have lived our lives in very different types of financial struggles. He has always worked out of town making a decent income, but struggled to use his money for anything but upgrading his lifestyle. I was a single mom, struggling to balance my time between my kids and my job. When we came together, money changed from a stress relief or a source of happiness, to something we no longer needed in order to make us happy. It became a tool. When money becomes a tool, it changes how you live your life. My fiancé and I had a hard look at our lives and realized we were surrounded by expensive toys, the "needs" in life to be happy. Our luxury lifestyle is why he was leaving again for work...